Here is a list of frequently asked questions (everyone knows that means FAQ, right?) that I get about the blog. (Actually, I don't. Possibly because I've answered them here.)
How many bakeries have you visited?
Whatever is on the blog, that's where I've visited.
Will you look for awesome cupcakes in other areas besides the San Francisco Bay Area?
Heck yes! I could never turn a good cupcake down.
Heck yes! I could never turn a good cupcake down.
Do you actually eat the cupcakes?
Are you kidding me? Heck yes!
Do you weigh 5000 pounds from eating all the cupcakes?
No. I'm sure I could stand to lose a few, but so couldn't we all. The key is to eat cupcakes in moderation. If possible.
Why are you doing this quest thing?
Because I don't think I should have to stand for sub-par cupcakes when there are so many awesome ones out there. Also, there are a lot of bakeries making wonderful cupcakes as their livelihood, and I want to eat them. (The cupcakes, not the bakeries. The mortar would get stuck in my teeth.)
I ate a cupcake, and it was stupendous. Will you post my story?
Certainly. I hope you took a picture. You took a picture, right? Write it up and e-mail me at
I have a bakery and we make delicious cupcakes. Will you visit us?
ZOMG, yes!! E-mail me where you are!